
Capturing the moments that matter through a Neighbourhood for Sainsbury’s.


In early 2024, the team at Sainsbury’s approached us to commission an online insights community, centred on understanding key events and the moments that matter throughout their customers’ years – from Christmas to summer, Halloween to Father’s Day. 

The aim of the Neighbourhood was to better understand how consumers prepare for, experience, and purchase across channels for these celebrations and cultural events. As well as assessing how Sainsbury’s network of brands perform on these events, and what they could do to optimise for future years.


Within a few months, we had built and launched a tailored community platform solution – Your Moments Collective – with a membership of over 2,500, mainly recruited from the Nectar database. 

Our in-house design team created a bespoke visual identity and messaging framework that aligned with Sainsbury’s existing brand guidelines, whilst giving the Neighbourhood its own identity. We also produced a suite of branded social media templates to supplement our recruitment with free-found members to balance out some of the bias toward Sainsbury’s primary shoppers.

Since launching the Neighbourhood, we’ve covered 16 events including major retail moments like Christmas to Halloween, as well as smaller or more targeted campaigns like Comic Relief to Burns Night. We engage our members on a weekly basis through a range of tools including discussion forums, quick fire polls and in-depth surveys, and so far, we’ve analysed nearly 13k survey responses and over 2.5k discussion forum contributions.



Each project run through the YMC culminates in an insights report – whether a one pager or extensive debrief – that we then present to a wide range of stakeholders across the Sainsbury’s and Argos brands, from merchandising to insights, buying to digital. We pride ourselves on our ability to bridge the gap between information and insight, insight and strategy. Out debriefs ensure that every stakeholder (whether they are well-versed in research or not) can easily digest complex information and ask for further clarity. 

These insights have proactively fed into Sainsbury’s and Argos’ comms campaigns, product ranges and events-planning across their stores network and online, providing a hugely cost-effective means of reviewing their performance across seasonal events, and planning for the future. 

If you’re interested in learning more about this project, or how we can create a tailored online consumer community for your brand, reach out to Natasha to book in a call or get a copy of our creds deck.